The Secret Sacred Science of Self Empowerment
The Dimensional Mind
My mind is mine. But, who is mine and how many minds do mine have to mind.
Never mine what you thought you knew. Is it possible that You are stuck in a 3 dimensional reality and a prisoner of your mind. Hop on board as we navigate thru the outer and inner regions on the mind, Feel your brains come alive as we go from the reptilian brain to the cerebellum over to the right and left sides , walk across the bride in your brain to rest in your frontal lobe.
The Divinity of DNA
Deoxyribonucleic acid has achieved an almost iconic status in our society. DNA is one of nature’s most amazing creations. If the DNA of a human’s 46 chromosomes could be stretched out, it would extend to over six feet, this is an extraordinary accomplishment for something that could fit into something size of a dust mite.
Energy Centers and the Bands
Is it possible that inside of each of us there are seven energy centers known as seals?
Which are directly connected to the seven levels of consciousness. And each energy center comes with its own set of bands that surround the body, some call it aura. In this course you will cover the relationship between the centers and the bands, and how they relate to the 9 dimension of all existence.
The Observer
Have you ever stopped and asked yourself, who is this talking in my head.
Telling me to put this down or pick that up, am I just thinking or is there another me inside of me. And if there is who is he, is he the real thing or is I the real thing.
The Art of the Re-Mix
How to get the advantage, this course introduces us to the idea that motions created emotions, the power of physiology. How to create lasting change by interrupting patterns of human behavior
The Art of Focus
This course is designed on the principle that consciousness and energy created reality. And whatever you focus on will become reality; what ever we keep in our frontal lobes takes electromagnetic form and created reality. You don’t want to miss this.
Mind Body Consciousness
Mind is the product of streams of consciousness and energy acting on the brain creating thought forms, holographic segments, or neuro-synaptic patterns called memory. Mind body consciousness explores the working of the brains and the interactions of the body.
Atoms to Comos
Get Ready to turn your perception of reality inside out; as you began to have a realization (A real eye zation) that what you believe to be real are simply geometric angels of light. And that all reality is in your head, even this paper you believe you have in your hand.