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Dr. James Wyatt Winborne
International President
Chairman of the International Executive Council

How To Use Your Backoffice


The Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated

Member's Services


















Welcome to the Ethiopian well Federation Inc. international database. What you were fine here is your own personal back office. Each back office is different and is specifically designed with your information in it. All of your data concerning your membership activities I logged here in your back office.


You will be able to communicate directly to the international executive Council concerning your activities with the Federation and your local. Inside of your back office you will find your emails and other racket keeping instruments.



One of the first instruments you will see is your dashboard inside of your back office.  Here you will keep a record of all of your finances, your communications, your email communications, and commissions earned.


If you are marketing the Federation products and have built a Federation team you recognize that the Power is in the People, the People have the Power… Power to the People. 

Our membership is our strength. And there is strength in numbers, so we must coagulate our energies and bring everyone into the same mission.


An account is open for every new member we are friends in your account you can make a payout request you can pay bills Andrew transfer it all directly from your account within your back office


 The members should be looking now to put people in place on their team, that they have confidence in within the various positions. In addition, these people should not just be our friends and local members.

If you have begun to build a marketing team you can keep track of all of those that are working with you to help build the Federation.

Thirdly, Everything is automated you will be able to keep an accurate count of all transactions in real-time. As we re-introduce ourselves to the world as a fully functioning organize body of members, united in our objectives and goals.


We renew and establish our importance and significance with the various international and global bodies. 

So every day we are extending our associations. Our membership is our greatest weapon.


Fourthly, Your back office will also allow you to keep on top of your regular day-to-day business, with your to-do management sheet. Here you keep track of those tasks that you have lined up on a daily basis in order to keep  Federation Rising 

In addition, you have a replica link that you can give out to anyone who’s looking to patronize the EWF and have used your Replica link, you will automatically be compensated for any and all transactions completed using your link.

Plus your back office is a  platform where you communicate with all of your team members on a daily basis. A place where you they could go and be informed as to the daily activities of the EWF. 

Your back office will allow you to keep track of the go when you coming of your referral is from day today from month to month from year to year or activity is actually recorded within the system


You will have the opportunity to build your team within the team to build you a business within the Federation the business of building the Federation

We believe in nurturing the possibilities which exists in everyone. We believe that if we all work together as a community, we can change Lives 8 dollars at a time

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